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Is your social media appropriate?

Thinking about my social media connections, it became apparent that many are travel industry connections rather than close friends. Then I thought do we all consider what we post and how it could be viewed. Are we tempted and start to write something only to delete it because it maybe something we’d say amongst our inner circle of friends or do we hold back in fear that it could be viewed as inappropriate or even offensive. Or do we not really care.

There is no doubt more and more companies are viewing social media platforms to see what a potential candidate does in their spare time, what views they have, how out spoken they may be or even how they present themselves socially. It’s interesting that this can have a direct impact on your future career prospects. Is this fair you may say, well if you are in a client facing role how you behave could have an influence on a company’s brand or even your own reputation in the travel industry

In the past we have seen numerous likes on Twitter that really we don’t need to see (some of which can only be described as pornographic). If we see what you like then so can your current employers or even your fellow industry colleagues. The images are a bit of a shocker and it really makes me wonder if they’re aware their likes can not only been seen, but are promoted onto the timelines of their followers.

It’s very easy to get carried away with social media. You may not care or have strong views that it’s your private life, but it’s not exactly private, is it.

Should social media be a reason to hire or not hire someone? It’s definitely becoming used as part of the decision making process.

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